Hi, I’m Jonathan , a Software Engineer


I work on

For as long as I have been learning I have been enamored by the power of words. Be it writing or coding, I am a believer in the power of words to shape our reality-- whether they be lines of prose in a story or executable commands in a program. I am interested in authoring work that changes the way you see the world and improves your relationships within it.



  • Wendy's Bulkinator
  • Github / Live
  • Build a meal plan from Wendy's items
  • Track macronutrients towards a weight goal
Buff Wendy Logo
  • Prodigy, a Genius.com Clone
  • Github / Live
  • Recreation of Genius.com
  • Annotate, Comment, and Like
Prodigy Main Page Screenshot
  • Quitter
  • Github / Live
  • Taper off Drinking and Smoking frequency
  • Track progress on quitting bad habits with friends
Quitter Profile Page Screenshot
  • Space Janitor Alpha
  • Github
  • A 2-D platforming game coded in Python.
